Thursday, July 26, 2012

Back on my feet, a little floppy though

Its been almost a year since I tore my ligament. I am 99.9% Ok, and that is good enough.

Things are a bit different now after I tore my talo-fibular ligament on my left foot in a game of squash,

1. I can't run as fast as before. (pretty sure it is not the old age that has caught up). I think it is the confidence level. Can never be the same

2. there is still a small bump around my ankle. Doesnt hurt; not sure what it really is.

3. I can play squash now, but an ankle guard really helps with the confidence.
4. There is still a teeeny weeny limp when I climb down stairs; it looks like I am happy and hopping along; but when you see me do it all the time, it doesnt look quite so natural. 

5. I have stopped visiting this blog!